1008 Message Length in KB for a 30 seconds long of recorded message.
1010 Set unlimited/limited duration capture
1011 Displays bit rate in Kbps
1012 Displays capture frames/second
1013 Outgoing mail server (SMTP)
1016 Mail account name on server
1025 Check if you wish to use a MAPI-compatible mail client
1031 Capture device specific configuration
1033 Check to enable splash screen on startup
1034 Check to enable sound effects
1035 Check to enable display of statistics immediately after recording
1038 Check to include download instructions
1053 Enable/disable video capture
1054 Check to use VDOMail Server account
1055 Server Port (default 7000)
1056 Click to show FTP Proxy server options
1060 Host name or IP address
1061 Relative path to upload streams
1062 Check to send Self Extracting messages or uncheck to send media files
1081 Set message quality.
1084 Connect to the Internet using LAN
1085 Connect to the Internet using Dialup Networking
1086 Name of Dialup adapter used
1087 Add new item
1088 Edit current item
1091 Connect to the Internet when sending e-mail
1092 Do not Connect to the Internet when using MAPI
1094 Account username
1095 Account password
1096 Displays version and system information
1097 Type names of recipients, separated by semicolons
1098 Type names of carbon copy recipients, separated by semicolons
3001 The communication port is about to be opened
3002 The communication port has been opened successfully
3003 Device about to be connected
3004 Communication port connected successfully
3005 All devices in the device chain have connected successfully
3006 The authentication process is starting
3007 An authentication event has occurred
3008 The client has requested another validation attempt with a new username/password/domain
3009 The remote access server has requested a callback number
3010 The client has requested to change the password of the account
3011 The projection phase is starting
3012 The link-speed calculation phase is starting
3013 An authentication request is being acknowledged
3014 Re-authentication (after callback) is starting
3015 The client has successfully completed authentication
3016 The line is about to disconnect in preparation for callback
3017 The client is delaying in order to give the modem time to reset itself in preparation for callback
3018 The client is waiting for an incoming call from the remote access server
3019 This state occurs after the RASCS_AuthProject state. It indicates that projection result information is available. You can access the projection result information by calling RasGetProjectionInfo
3020 User authentication is being initiated or retried
3021 The client has been called back and is about to resume authentication
3022 Logging on to network
3023 This state corresponds to the terminal state supported by RASPHONE.EXE
3024 This state corresponds to the retry authentication state supported by RASPHONE.EXE
3025 This state corresponds to the callback state supported by RASPHONE.EXE
3026 This state corresponds to the change password state supported by RASPHONE.EXE
3027 Successful connection
3028 Disconnection or failed connection
3029 No dial-up connection
3030 Unknown state
3744 Note: Dial-up Networking is not installed, or not configured properly. You will not be able to log on to the Internet
3745 Note: No Dial-up Networking entries are defined.\nPlease define a new entry in the connection preferences page.
3897 Thank you for using VDOMail Trial!\nThis software will expire on: %s.\nYou have %s days left to use this version.
3901 Thank you for using VDOMail Trial!\nWe hope you enjoyed this software.\nThis is a trial version that will expire on: %s.\nYou have %s days left to use this version.
3902 Please wait ... %d
3903 Click below to purchase a full version or visit our web store at %s
20611 You must select a shortcut before clicking Remove.
20612 You must select a macro before clicking Create.
20613 Reset All will set all shortcuts back to their defaults. Any shortcuts you have created will be forgotten. Are you sure you want to do this?
20614 (Unassigned)
20615 That key combination is reserved and may not be reassigned.
61221 Can't capture Postcard using the specified video format. Please see the Trouble shooting section of VDOMail help for details.
61222 .\00000001.tmp
61223 %d Days Evaluation Beta Version\nNot for Resale or Distribution
61224 Submit Problem Report and General Feedback
61225 http://www.vdo.net/tech/betacenter
61227 Sorry, some details are missing.\n\nClick "Yes" to complete them now.\nClick "No" to continue and complete them later.
61228 Some details are missing on the Server preferences page.\nPlease fill them in.
61229 Some details are missing on the Dial-up connection preferences page.\nPlease fill them in.
61230 Some details are missing on the Mail account preferences page.\nPlease fill them in.
61231 Sorry, failed to edit the entry.
61232 Sorry, failed to create a new entry.\nDial-up networking is not installed.\n\nPlease install Dial-up connection.
61233 Thank you for using VDOMail beta!\nNow you can win big and get a free copy of the released version of VDOMail!\n\nFor a limited time only, VDOnet will award you a free copy of VDOMail if you are the first to report a new problem.\n\nHere's what you need to do:\n\n1. USE THE SOFTWARE (very important step - don't skip it!)\n Send cool messages to all your friends and family.\n2. Found a problem? Click here to tell us about it:
61234 You can also access the beta report from the main VDOMail window.\n\n3. Fill all fields in the problem report form.\n4. Please provide as much detailed information as possible under\n "Problem Description and General Feedback" so we can verify\n the problem.
61235 Win a free copy of VDOMail!
61236 Sorry, failed to create self extracting message.\n\nYou can either disable the "Send self extracting messages" option\nin the Preferences "General" page, or re-install VDOMail.
61237 Sorry, VDOnet's VDOPhone is currently running.\nPlease close VDOPhone and then click OK.
61238 VDOMail has encountered an internal error.\nPlease restart VDOMail.
61239 Sorry, VDOMail cannot start.\nVDOnet's VDOPhone is still running.
61240 Sorry, bad command line arguments.\nPlease correct and run VDOMail again.
61241 Check to include the Decoder Installation Package in your messages.
61242 A message is being sent. Aborting at this point is not recommended.\nAre you sure you want to abort?
61243 http://www.vdo.net/tech
61244 Sorry, there isn't enough free disk space on drive %c:\nRecording aborted. Please free some space on this drive.